Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Controlled Burn (Boston Fire) by Shannon Stacey

*** This ARC was kindly provided to me in exchange for an honest review. ***

"Controlled Burn" is a quick and easy read.  While I liked both protagonists a lot, and really enjoyed them as a couple, I felt as though Ricks misgivings about getting involved with Jessica were very weak.  It seemed as though Ricks main concern about dating Jessica was the fact that he was her grandparents tenant and good friend.  He barely mentions the fact that she lives thousands of miles away, across the country.  And when he does, it's really not used as his reason for not getting involved with her until later when they are already involved... or atleast about to be.

The author mentions other characters in the story and gives backgrounds and/or backstories on them, which clearly is a set up for future books in the series, and while I usually don't mind that at all, I feel as though their names and things about their lives were mentioned a little too much, especially at times when it wasn't necessary to the story.  At times, it took away from the story, and there wasn't really any character development with those secondary characters.  I felt no desire, interest, or need to learn more about them or read their stories at all.

I loved Rick, Jess, Marie, and Joe's characters a lot.  I think the author did an excellent job on character development with them.  I found myself emotionally invested in the main characters, and honestly, a bit concerned for Marie and Joe's future.

My biggest complaint about the story, is the abrupt ending, and the lack of an epilogue.  Don't get me wrong, you WILL get a HEA here, but it felt a little abrupt to me.  An epilogue was greatly needed in this story, there were a few things left unresolved, such as whether or not Jess moves to Boston, whether or not Rick buys Marie and Joe's home, and whether or not Davey reconciles with his parents.  It's nothing that is important enough to get me to purchase a part two, or others in the series -as I suspect was the authors intention in leaving those things unresolved-, so I will just use my imagination.


Rating (Based on a 5 star rating system):
* * *

Would I recommend this book to others?:

Would I purchase other books in the series?:
Probably not.

Would I purchase other books by the author?:
Possibly, but I would check the reviews first.

*** It should be noted, that while "Controlled Burn" is part of a series, but IS a standalone novel.  You will not be required to purchase others in the series to get a HEA, however, if you feel moved to do so, I'm sure the author would appreciate your support. ***

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